Partner with us to better support your most vulnerable patients.
We provide dedicated 1:1 support for your most complex patients at no cost through new Medi-Cal and CalAIM benefits.
  • Multi-disciplinary care team of community health workers, behavioral health specialists, and nurses
  • Patients receive social support coordination, care coordination, and same-day telemedicine access
  • Earn additional revenue, improve quality scores, and reduce burnout for your staff
  • All funded by the Enhanced Care Management benefit under Medi-Cal's CalAIM program

Partnering with Pair Team

We know you want to deliver the best care to all your patients—but you're overwhelmed trying to support them beyond your clinic. That's where we come in.

Right now

With Pair Team

Your waiting room is filling up with high-needs patients.
Refer them (it takes 15 seconds!), and we'll contact them same day.
Your high-needs patients have root social issues which need to be addressed outside of your clinic.
Pair Team works with each patient to identify and address needs, such as finding stable housing or food access.
You and your staff are burnt out after going above and beyond.
Reduce staff burnout by taking complex care & support off their plate.
Pair Team works with all types of primary care providers.
Small and Large Independent Providers
We can provide additional support for your patients while reducing workload for your staff and increasing your revenue. We don't change any of your existing workflows or practices.
Federally Qualified Health Centers
We support you to provide comprehensive care to your panel while reducing workload for your staff and meaningfully increasing revenue and volume for your most unengaged patients.
EDs, Hospitals, and Health Systems
We partner with provider networks to reduce costs and improve quality across the hardest-to-engage populations.
IPAs and MSOs
We manage the care for your most complex and high-cost patients, lowering your total cost of care.
Counties and Municipalities
We partner with government agencies to ensure your residents have access to the highest-quality care.

“The Enhanced Care Management (ECM) program requires new staff, workflows, and tooling. I could not participate in ECM without Pair Team. They do everything, including hiring, training, and reporting!” 

Azer Rezk
CEO, Metropolitan Clinics

Join the Pair Impact Network. Contact us to get started.